Source code for mlp

import numpy as np
import tqdm

[docs]class MLP: nn_architecture = [ {"input_dim": 1296, "output_dim": 100, "activation": "relu"}, {"input_dim": 100, "output_dim": 10, "activation": "softmax"}, ] def __init__(self, seed=99, verbose=False, restore=False): """ Initialize MLP object :param seed: seed for random :type seed: int :param verbose: If want to print help message during using MLP object :type verbose: bool :param restore: Restore from checkpoint or not? :type restore: bool """ np.random.seed(seed) self.early_stoping = 0 self.restore = restore self.verbose = verbose self.params_values = {} self.cost_history = [] self.accuracy_history = [] self.curr_out = np.array(list()) self.yhat = 0 self.memory = {} for idx, layer in enumerate(self.nn_architecture): layer_idx = idx + 1 layer_input_size = layer["input_dim"] layer_output_size = layer["output_dim"] self.params_values['W' + str(layer_idx)] = np.random.randn( layer_output_size, layer_input_size) * 0.1 self.params_values['b' + str(layer_idx)] = np.random.randn( layer_output_size, 1) * 0.1 if self.restore: self.load()
[docs] @staticmethod def relu(z): """ Function which apply relu function to current z values :param z: current value :type z: np.array :return: current value after activation function a_curr :rtype: np.array """ return np.maximum(0, z)
[docs] @staticmethod def relu_backward(d_a, z): """ Function which apply relu function to current error value for backpropagation process :param d_a: current error value :type d_a: np.array :param z: current value before activation function :type z: np.array :return: error before activation function :rtype: np.array """ d_z = np.array(d_a, copy=True) d_z[z <= 0] = 0 return d_z
[docs] @staticmethod def softmax(z): """ Function which apply softmax function to current z values :param z: current value :type z: np.array :return: current value after activation function a_curr :rtype: np.array """ e = np.exp(z).T out = np.zeros_like(e) sum_temp = e.sum(axis=1) for i in range(e.shape[0]): out[i] = e[i] / sum_temp[i] return out.T
[docs] def softmax_backward(self, d_a, z): """ Softmax backward propagation :param d_a: current error value :type d_a: np.array :param z: current value before activation function :type z: np.array :return: error before activation function :rtype: np.array """ sig = self.softmax(z) return d_a * sig * (1 - sig)
[docs] def single_layer_forward_propagation(self, a_prev, w_curr, b_curr, activation="relu"): """ Function for make forward propagation through one layer in Neural Network :param a_prev: previous value after activation function (input) :type a_prev: np.array :param w_curr: current weights value :type w_curr: np.array :param b_curr: current bias value :type b_curr: np.array :param activation: type of activation function :type activation: str :return: a_curr and value before activation function z_curr :rtype: tuple """ z_curr =, a_prev) + b_curr if activation is "relu": activation_func = self.relu elif activation is "softmax": activation_func = self.softmax else: raise Exception('Non-supported activation function') return activation_func(z_curr), z_curr
[docs] def full_forward_propagation(self, x): """ Function for make full forward propagation through Neural Network :param x: training data :type x: np.array :return: None :rtype: None """ a_curr = x for idx, layer in enumerate(self.nn_architecture): layer_idx = idx + 1 a_prev = a_curr activ_function_curr = layer["activation"] w_curr = self.params_values["W" + str(layer_idx)] b_curr = self.params_values["b" + str(layer_idx)] a_curr, z_curr = self.single_layer_forward_propagation(a_prev, w_curr, b_curr, activ_function_curr) self.memory["A" + str(idx)] = a_prev self.memory["Z" + str(layer_idx)] = z_curr self.curr_out = a_curr
[docs] def get_cost_value(self, targets, epsilon=1e-10) -> float: """ Cross-entropy loss function :param targets: ground truth :type targets: np.array :param epsilon: hiperparater :type epsilon: float :return: cross_entropy value :rtype: float """ predictions = np.clip(self.curr_out, epsilon, 1. - epsilon) number_of_neurons = predictions.shape[0] ce_loss = -np.sum(np.sum(targets * np.log(predictions + 1e-5))) / number_of_neurons return ce_loss
[docs] def get_accuracy_value(self, targets: np.array) -> float: """ Function to count accuracy value :param targets: ground truth :type targets: np.array :return: accuracy value :rtype: float """ prediction = self.one_hot_decode(self.curr_out) return np.count_nonzero(prediction == targets) / targets.shape[0]
[docs] def single_layer_backward_propagation(self, d_a_curr, w_curr, z_curr, a_prev, activation="relu"): """ Function for make single layer backward propagation :param d_a_curr: current error value :type d_a_curr: np.array :param w_curr: current weights value :type w_curr: np.array :param z_curr: current value before activation function :type z_curr: np.array :param a_prev: previous neuron autput value :type a_prev: np.array :param activation: type of activation function :type activation: str :return: d_a_prev, d_w_curr, db_curr :rtype: tuple """ m = a_prev.shape[1] if activation is "relu": backward_activation_func = self.relu_backward elif activation is "softmax": backward_activation_func = self.softmax_backward else: raise Exception('Non-supported activation function') d_z_curr = backward_activation_func(d_a_curr, z_curr) d_w_curr =, a_prev.T) / m db_curr = np.sum(d_z_curr, axis=1, keepdims=True) / m d_a_prev =, d_z_curr) return d_a_prev, d_w_curr, db_curr
[docs] def full_backward_propagation(self, targets: np.array) -> dict: """ Function for make full backward propagation through Neural Network :param targets: ground truth :type targets: np.array :return: gradients values to update weights of NN :rtype: dict """ grads_values = {} targets = targets.reshape(self.curr_out.shape) d_a_prev = - (np.divide(targets, self.curr_out) - np.divide(1 - targets, 1 - self.curr_out)) for layer_idx_prev, layer in reversed(list(enumerate(self.nn_architecture))): layer_idx_curr = layer_idx_prev + 1 activ_function_curr = layer["activation"] d_a_curr = d_a_prev a_prev = self.memory["A" + str(layer_idx_prev)] z_curr = self.memory["Z" + str(layer_idx_curr)] w_curr = self.params_values["W" + str(layer_idx_curr)] d_a_prev, d_w_curr, db_curr = self.single_layer_backward_propagation( d_a_curr, w_curr, z_curr, a_prev, activ_function_curr) grads_values["dW" + str(layer_idx_curr)] = d_w_curr grads_values["db" + str(layer_idx_curr)] = db_curr return grads_values
[docs] def update(self, grads_values, learning_rate): """ Update NN weights and bias :param grads_values: gradient value :type grads_values: np.array :param learning_rate: current learning_rate :type learning_rate: float """ for idx, layer in enumerate(self.nn_architecture): layer_idx = idx + 1 self.params_values["W" + str(layer_idx)] -= learning_rate * grads_values["dW" + str(layer_idx)] self.params_values["b" + str(layer_idx)] -= learning_rate * grads_values["db" + str(layer_idx)]
[docs] def train(self, train_data: np.array, train_labels: np.array, epochs: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 0.001) -> tuple: """ Function which trains model :param train_data: x data for training :type train_data: np.array :param train_labels: y data for training :type train_labels: np.array :param epochs: number of epochs for training :type epochs: int :param learning_rate: hiperparameter of training :type learning_rate: float :return: (self.params_values, self.cost_history, self.accuracy_history) :rtype: tuple """ ohe = self.one_hot_encode(train_labels) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=epochs) for i in range(epochs): if self.early_stoping > 10: break self.full_forward_propagation(train_data) cost = self.get_cost_value(train_labels) self.cost_history.append(np.mean(cost)) accuracy = self.get_accuracy_value(train_labels) if self.accuracy_history: if accuracy > max(self.accuracy_history): else: self.early_stoping = self.early_stoping + 1 self.accuracy_history.append(accuracy) grads_values = self.full_backward_propagation(ohe) self.update(grads_values, learning_rate) pbar.update(1) pbar.close() return self.params_values, self.cost_history, self.accuracy_history
[docs] def one_hot_encode(self, labels: np.array): """ Function which convert labels to vector :param labels: np.array of labels to convert :type labels: np.array :return: converted labels in one_hot_encode :rtype: np.array """ num_columns = len(np.unique(labels)) ohe = np.zeros(shape=(num_columns, labels.shape[0])) i = 0 for _ in labels: ohe[labels[i]][i] = 1 i = i + 1 if self.verbose: print(ohe.shape) return ohe
[docs] def one_hot_decode(self, labels) -> np.array: """ Function which convert vector to labels :param labels: np.array of predicted labels to convert :type labels: np.array :return: converted labels from one_hot_encode :rtype: np.array """ temp = np.transpose(labels) decode = [np.argmax(x) for x in temp] if self.verbose: print(len(decode)) return np.array(decode)
[docs] def test(self, x_input, ground_truth): """ Function for test model :param x_input: test data :type x_input: np.array :param ground_truth: test labels :type ground_truth: np.array :return: test accuracy :rtype: float """ self.full_forward_propagation(x_input) accuracy = self.get_accuracy_value(ground_truth) self.accuracy_history.append(accuracy) return accuracy
[docs] def predict(self, x_input): """ Funtion to predict output for given input :param x_input: image data :type x_input: np.array :return: predition vector :rtype: np.array """ self.full_forward_propagation(x_input) y_hat_ = self.one_hot_decode(self.curr_out) y_hat_ = y_hat_.astype('int32') return y_hat_
[docs] def save(self): """ Funtion for saving model current variables to files """ for key in self.params_values.keys():, self.params_values[key])
[docs] def load(self): """ Funtion for loading model current variables to files """ print("Loading...") for key in self.params_values.keys(): self.params_values[key] = np.load(str(key) + '.npy')